Global agriculture Drones Market is expected to reach $5.89 Billion by 2030 source by alliedmarketresearch ‘Agriculture Drone Market’. Global “Agricultural Spraying Drone Market” (2022-2030) research report offers extremely realistic and comprehensive statistics of the Agricultural Spraying Drone industry,drone spray machine price in pakistan and Crop Spraying drones Services which support you in promoting several innovative ideas with research-based components. Key manufacturers in the world of “Crop Spraying Drone” include DJI, Skyx, Pyka, Inc., HSE, and XAG, etc.

Spraying Drone Service Pakistani Market
Pakistan can capture a $600-$700 million share of the Global Drone Market by Hamza Haroon, a former adviser to the minister of Science and Technology. Pakistani Drone normally used in different sectors like defense, agriculture, traffic monitoring and hobby fly, and National Highway and Motorway Polic (NHMP) for highways and motorways for surveillance.
The use of drones in the agriculture sector for precision is undeniable. Pakistan has started using drones to provide, process, and analyze multi-source data of high spatial and temporal resolution for decision-making and operations in the management of crop production and crop spraying.
What is Crop Spraying drones?
Drones that can be used for spray purposes but not just liquid or Drone with specific technology and tank that can lift specific weight is used for spraying. These spraying drones are mostly for the agriculture sector for
Spray of Pesticides, Herbicides, Fungicides, Seeds, Fertilizers, water and more …
Check and buy Alllrc Custom Build 16 Liter Capacity Crop/agricultural Spraying Drone: Click here
Why a Spraying with drones?
Spraying with drones is cheaper, faster, accurate, and a liquid saver than traditional methods used mostly in 80% Pakistani Agriculture Sector. These automated agrochemicals give more accuracy and are more beneficial than traditional methods and step in Digitizing Agriculture sector and Smart Farming. Spraying drone can’t use for Spray only, we can use it for different purposes like seeds spread, animal feed, and herbicides. Japan is the world leader in Spraying drone adoption.
Crop/Spraying Drone Services in Pakistan and the Role of Allrc
In Pakistan from recent years, spraying drones have gained a huge amount of traction for the distribution of pesticides, for spraying on roots, and used for other agricultural services whereas crop spraying drone popularity increasing day by day due to it’s a lot benefits over the traditional methods. with the aim of “Digitizing Agricultural sector and Smart Farming” by providing different custom build agriculture drones and categories of Spraying Drone and Crop/Spraying Drone Services to revolutionize. Here is Piece of Video of Crop Spraying Drone in Realtime build by
Here is list of Crop Spraying Drone offered by Allrc in different categories
- 6-liter Capacity with Flying Time from 15 to 20 Mints and Cover Area 2 acrs to 3.5 acrs Price starting from 800000/- PKRs ($3600 USD with full configuration)
- 16-liter Capacity with Flying Time from 15 to 20 Mints and Cover Area 2 acrs to 3.5 acrs Price starting from 1200000/- PKRs ($5400 USD with full configuration)
- 25-liter Capacity with Flying Time from 15 to 20 Mints and Cover Area 2 acrs to 3.5 acrs Price starting from 1600000/- PKRs ($5400 USD with full configuration)
- 30-liter Capacity with Flying Time from 15 to 20 Mints and Cover Area 2 acrs to 3.5 acrs Price starting from 1800000/- PKRs ($8200 USD with full configuration)
Allrc is excited to announce the Crop Spraying Services / Drones Spraying Services in Pakistan at the lowest Rates: Click here for more information or Contact at Call and WhatsApp: +92 300 5880647 or Email: [email protected]
Final Words:
Agriculture Drone / Crop Spraying Drone / Spraying Drone / Kissan Drone are the same terminology and if I say that Crop Spraying Drones are the future of Pakistan as Pakistan is an Agriculture Country with 22.1 million hectares ‘Cultivated’ and 47% of agricultural land. Spraying drones are powerful that farmers can deploy them to speed up and automate manual processes by say saying goodbye to the traditional method of Crop Spraying. The result of that core functionality is a game-changer for the future of agriculture in Pakistan and Allrc playing his role to achieve this milestone.